23 June 2020
Surgical Management of Haemoabdomen is an article written by Professor Bryden J. Stanley, BVMS, MVetSc, MANZCVS, MRCVS, Diplomate ACVS.
Haemoabdomen or haemoperitoneum is seen frequently in sma...
8 May 2020
This video is a presentation by Dr David Cook discussing the underlying principles of bandaging.
This presentation took place at the VSS Conference 2020.
Click here or on the image below to v...
22 November 2019
Antibiotic Prophylaxis is an article written by Adjunct Professor Philip A Moses BVSc, MRCVS, Cert SAO, MANZCVS, FANZCVS, CMAVA, Member AO for the 2019 VSS Conference. It covers determinants of w...
22 November 2019
Bandaging for Nurses is an article written by Dr David Cook, BVSc, FANZCVS (Small Animal Surgery) for the 2018 VSS Conference. It covers functions of bandages, contact layer, anchoring the bandag...
22 November 2019
Brachycephalic - Poster Child for Eye Problems is an article written by Susan Jacobi for the 2018 VSS Conference.
Click here to read or download the PDF.
22 November 2019
Fluid Therapy in Acute Emergencies is an article written by Terry King for the 2018 VSS Conference.
Click here to read or download the PDF.
22 November 2019
Monitoring the Critical Patient: The Importance of Trends is an article written by Kimberley Weir for the 2018 VSS Conference. It covers take home messages, basic hospital charts, demeanour, resp...
22 November 2019
Nursing the Tick Paralysis Patient is an article written by Kim Weir for the 2019 VSS Conference. It covers clinical signs, taking the phone call, triage, canine tick paralysis symptom score, fin...
22 November 2019
Post Operative Nursing is an article written by Adjunct Professor Philip A Moses BVSc, MRCVS, Cert SAO, MANZCVS, FANZCVS, CMAVA, Member AO for the 2018 VSS Conference. It outlines general patient...