Repeat Medications

Use the below form to request repeat medications for your pet. 

Veterinarians are governed by Queensland Health regulations when prescribing medications. We must adhere to the legislation when dispensing medication.

  • Your pet must have been assessed by a VSS veterinarian within the last 6 months.  If it has been more than 6 months, we will require you to make a recheck appointment. Alternatively, you may be able to get the medication through your regular veterinarian if you have seen them within the last 6 months.
  •  In some cases, more frequent assessments may be required.
  •  Some medications require bloods and/or urine testing.
  •  Our veterinarians must assess each request, so please allow 2 business days for medication preparation.
  •  Some medication needs to be specially ordered or compounded and may take longer than 2 days to be prepared. 
  •  If you require a written prescription to take to a human or veterinary pharmacy, please write the name of the pharmacy in the notes so we can send (fax/email/post) it to the appropriate place. NOTE there is a fee associated with written prescriptions.
  • If the medication strength, quantity or dose requested differs from our records, or if the prescription was from another practice, an examination and assessment may be required.

We will send you a text when your medication is ready, if you would prefer to be contacted by a different method write that in the notes section. If our vets need any further information, we will contact you.

Medication Form

First name and Surname

eg. 5mg

eg. 5mg

