Louise grew up in Brisbane and received her Bachelor of Veterinary Science degree from the University of Sydney, during which she completed a BSc (Vet) thesis on immunohistochemistry of tumours of the canine skin and oral cavity. Following graduation, she worked in small animal general and emergency practices in Perth, before
completing residency training programs in anatomic pathology at Murdoch University and the University of Pennsylvania, as well as a Master of Veterinary Pathology degree from Murdoch University, investigating rodent lung pathology. After completing her residency training, Louise worked as a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania
with a primary focus on surgical pathology service, before returning to Australia. Louise’s major interest is surgical pathology and since 2015 she has worked for private veterinary pathology laboratories in Adelaide and Brisbane.
Louise is Member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Pathology and a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists in Anatomic Pathology. Her special interests include gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disease, oncologic pathology and immunohistochemistry.