Pet Cancer Awareness Month
November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month, so what better time to talk a little about cancer in our furry family members.
Unfortunately, as our pets become older, they are at greater risk for certain diseases, especially cancer. Cancer is sadly one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases in our pets, especially as they age. One in four dogs and one in five cats will develop cancer during their lifetime.
Signs and Symptoms
What are the signs of cancer to watch out for in your pet?
- New swellings, lumps or bumps that persist and/or continue to get bigger
- Abdominal swelling
- Weight-loss that is unexpected
- Loss of appetite or lack of interest in food
- Difficulty eating or swallowing
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea that is persistent and unexplained
- Difficulty urinating or defecating
- Bad odors - tumors in the mouth, nose, ears or rectum can cause offensive smells
- Discharge from the eyes, mouth, nose, ears or rectum
- Non-healing wounds, sores or unexplained bleeding
- Coughing or difficulty breathing
- Seizures
- Lameness or evidence of pain
- Unwillingness to play and interact, or loss of stamina.
Although any of these symptoms are concerning, they do not absolutely mean your pet has cancer. If you are worried about your pet, it is important to consult with your family veterinarian. It is also important that your pet have regular check-ups. The key to successful cancer management is early detection.
As with people diagnosed with cancer, there are now many options for the treatment of pets diagnosed with cancer. The VSS Oncology team is always here to help provide your pet and family the best care possible. While we certainly hope your pet never requires the advice or services of the Oncology Service at VSS, the team is always here to help.
Types of Cancers
The VSS Oncology Service team has extensive experience in the treatment of many cancer types. Common cancers we can help in the management of include:
- Lymphomas and leukemias
- Mast cell tumors and other skin and subcutaneous cancers
- Hemangiosarcoma
- Osteosarcoma and other bone and joint cancers
- Soft tissue sarcomas
- Tumors of the endocrine system including thyroid, adrenal, and insulinoma
- Brain and other neurologic cancers
- Various carcinomas including lung, liver, gastrointestinal and those of the urinary bladder and prostate.
Treatment Options
Treatment options we can facilitate include:
- Chemotherapy
- Immunotherapy
- Surgery
- Radiation therapy
- Pain-relief and palliative / hospice measures.
Please do not hesitate to contact VSS for further information regarding cancer care.
Meet the Team
This Pet Cancer Awareness Month is also the ideal opportunity to introduce the Oncology team at VSS Underwood. The team is led by Dr. Raelene Wouda, BVSc (Hons), DACVIM (Oncology), MANZCVS (Small Animal Medicine) BA (Hons). Dr Wouda has over 20 years' clinical experience, has been employed in private practice, industry and academia, and has worked with renowned leaders in the field of veterinary oncology. She not only works in a clinical capacity at the VSS Underwood hospital, but remains significantly involved in research, the education of veterinary students, interns, residents and professionals, and plays a leadership role in the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM).
Also integrally involved in patient and client care on a daily basis are Oncology Intern, Dr Yee Wei Lim, Underwood hospital Veterinarian, Dr Sarah Sheppard, and our incredibly dedicated nurses, Tia, Emma-Lee and Krystal.
The Oncology team also works closely with VSS’s other specialty services at our Underwood location, as well as at our Jindalee and Carrara (Gold Coast) hospitals, including surgery, internal medicine, imaging, cardiology, dermatology, ophthalmology and the feline specialty service, to provide the highest quality and most comprehensive cancer care for your pet.
For more information, please visit our Oncology page or phone 1800 442 648.
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